Cum se construieste un dosar medical pentru aprobare formular E112 | Comentarii articol
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la un moment dat era un lik cu scrisoarea nu il mai vad. Nu este un model standard ci un model care a functionat la alte dosareAm inserat modelul mai jos sper sa se vada ok.. OriginalHeader from HospitalTo City, DateAddress:,,et.5.ap.111RomaniaPatient:Nume Manea DenisaV�rstă 8aniNaţionalitate RomanianAdresă,,et.5.ap.111COSTS LISTfor the treatement scheduled in the xxx Hospital during the following period: The numer of days for the patient treatement was established van der Zee for a place in a multiple bad room and includes the following costs for the treatment:Situation Dayly Costs(Eur) Nr. of days SummCosts for medical care (*) Total amount (*) If the National Autority hor Health Insurrance of Romania is aproving E 112 form , the costs for the medical care services will be reimbursed by them based on the confirmation received from the Regional Inssurance House of xxxx where the hospital is allocated by the ( your Health insurance House) .In this situation the patient will pay 0, 00 � and all the costs will be covered by the National Autority hor Health Insurrance of RomaniaPlanned investigations: Hospital admission between xx.01.2010 and xx.01.2010 ...yyyy Exam between xx.01.2010 and xx.01.2010 *Please, take into consideration that the final price list for the medical care services was not yet published for year 2010 and the costs lists are also depending of the real necessary time for investigations. The costs reimbursement will be done only after the treatment is finished. Footer Hospital page 2Find attached for informative purpose E11_RO form.A copy of the E112 -RO document should be sent with the acceptance from the National Autority hor Health Insurrance before the tratement begins and no later than:......... to the following adress:Hospital AddressContact person: Mr. .....Fax:....Email:....The original should be presented at the hospital admitance.If the National Authority for Health of Romania is not aproving the E112 form the costs for the treatment should be fully paid by the patient no later than:xxx .02.2010 using the following bank details:Hsopital xxxxBank xxxxxIBAN xxxxxxCod SWIFT xxxxxMentioning as details: advanced payment patient Stefan IvanoviciThe bank confirmations should be sent to, before the admitance but no later than xxxxxFor further questions please do not hesitate to contact us ,Best Regards, Director of the patient services Name , signature, stamp telefon xxxxfax xxxxemail:
1. Nu exista o lista de spitale se cauta individual dar uzual medicul curant stie in ce spitale din UE ar putea fi tratat si de multe ori are conexiuni acolo. daca nu se pot gasi direct pe net si le scrieti. Culmea chiar germania recomand scrierea in lb germana. Traduceti documentele in lb engleza sau germana .2. Traducere simpla nelegalizata
Am si eu o intrebare, cum alegeti spitalul din strainatate unde urmeaza sa va tratati? Exista o lista cu asemenea spitale? Cred ca daca doresti sa sari pasii cu obtinerea de finantare pentru tratament in strainatate, trebuie sa gasesti singur un asemenea spital.Stiti vreo lista cu spitale si pe ce sunt specializati?Unde v-ati tradus dosarul cu acte medicale (am niste acte din domeniu lcardiologie si sunt prescurtari ciudate, banuiesc ca trebuie sa traduca cineva specializat, eventual un medic. Sii ce tip de traducere trebuie? Am vazut ca in articolul de mai sus scrie ceva de traducere legalizata. Toate traducerile medicale trebuie sa fie legalizate?Nu prea am inteles din articol ce este cu parte scrisa cu rosu, daca poate cineva sa Multumesc
de unde se descarca fisierul scrisoare de la medicul din strainatate care te primesteMULTUMESC.
In articol se mentioneaza un fisier 'Scrisoare de la medicul din strainatate care te primeste'. De unde pot lua acest fisier?Multumesc
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